Sunday, June 21, 2009


So this morning I woke up to the cutest little girl smiling and just wishing she could say Happy Father Day. So after a little bit of stirring I finally managed to get out of bed to grab my little girl. When I came into the living room I saw a package on the couch and Xavier, despite still playing the Wii, had a hand made card on the floor next to him. He needed Sam to kinda umhum him off the game, and he ran up, gave me a big hug and said Happy Fathers Day! The card was completely his writing, and Sam told me that he sounded out all of the words. He did awesome, and its cute that Dadddy and Luv are spelled his way, but it makes you smile!

Well Avery had some help from mommy, she got me a picture frame, with one of the first pictures of her and me in it. On the other side was a clay block with Happy Fathers Day written in the top, and on the bottom were her two little footprints. The tiny feet are so cute, and even though mommy had to help, I am sure she had the biggest smile on her face!

So I had a great fathers day morning, after gifts I made french toast for everyone, well everyone except Avery, who took her normal 5 to 6 oz bottle and went back to bed. Well we sat and ate breakfast, and it was nice to sit with the family! We have been running around so much lately that I was happy to just sit in our kitchen and enjoy a meal at home with just us. Its amazing how a hand made card, some footprints, and a home made breakfast can make you feel like the luckiest daddy around! So to everyone else I wish you a Happy Fathers Day!!

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