As Simple As a Smile
At times our lives seem to get moving so fast, you forget a lot of things! Where you put your keys, how to do something at work, forgot to get the milk on the way home.....the list is endless. We take for granted the little things that only take a second to take in and enjoy......our kids smile.
When your day seems endless and you don't know what to do....its as simple as a smile....
When your mad and aggravated and want to calm down....its as simple as a smile....
When they fight about dinner, or games, or playing outside....its as simple as a smile....
When you spend the best day with your family and its time for bed...its as simple as a smile....
When you think you are not being the best parent you can be...its as simple as a smile....
When you want someone to talk to but you know they wont understand...its as simple as a smile....
So what I am trying to say is, no matter what is going on, or how you feel, if you take a second to think about how they feel with you, you know it.....its as simple as a smile!!!
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